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Terms and Conditions

All content on this website, including data, information, photographs, recordings, inserted advancements, projects, textual styles, illustrations, music, sounds, pictures, maps, plans, symbols, composting, and other materials altered, is licensed property that we as well as outsider providers have obtained copyright licenses for or are protected by copyright.

You may use the materials on this site for non-commercial purposes only. In addition, the data extricated from this site may be electronically duplicated or printed for private, non-business purposes without change, addition, or deletion. Materials on this site may not be duplicated or altered other than those stated above without our written consent.


The liability of in case of lost, misplaced, damaged, delayed or destroyed documents or other items will be limited to the replacement cost if is at fault. Delivery services or issuing authorities are not responsible for items misplaced, damaged, delayed, or destroyed and accepts no responsibility for the loss or damage of such documents. We accepts no (responsibility for/blame for) travelers electing to get on- visas. To the greatest possible extent permitted by law. Leaves out/keeps out or limits any direct, indirect or resulting loss and all law-related or suggested conditions and warranties.


  • Any item or service accessible from this server or this site is free from errors, PC viruses or abandons or can give continuous or convenient administration.
  • This site is ensured by security, and we won’t be in charge of any specialized imperfections, PC viruses, PC crashes, PC hacking (counting blocking administration assaults), trouble entering the site, PC shutdown, benefit interruption, loss of email content, conveyance blunders or Responsible to you or any outsider for any deferral or inability to get mistakes or deficient information.
  • Any movement items and administrations on this site follow your necessities.
  • Using this site, you can get the base price tag for the item or benefit.
  • Accessibility of items or benefits on this site.
  • There are no mistakes in using this site and all products, items or administrations related to this site.
  • Use this site to get results.
  • The conclusion, exactness, unwavering quality and liquidity of any data, content, information, administrations, guidance or items accessible on or accessible on the site execution of this site may not be satisfied.
  • You are responsible for ensuring that you have a relevant visa or transfer station visa and a passport with a validity period of at least six months that meets all entry and exit conditions.

Personal Data

The following information is stored as personal data in the secure database of this website:

  • name
  • place of birth
  • date of birth
  • passport information
  • email address
  • mailing address
  • phone number
  • connection log
  • IP connection
  • cookies
  • payment records

Please be aware that any information registered on the website will not be published or made available to third parties unless:

  • The customer’s consent can be obtained;
  • If the system or website is necessary for maintenance or management;
  • If the site or website is required by law enforcement to be used for law enforcement purposes;
  • If the site is notified in a format where personal data cannot be identified.

Using the Website

This website and its services are for personal use only. Please do not reuse, copy, modify or download any parts of this website for any purpose other than personal use. Please note that we are not associated with the Government of India.


India Online Visa does not have any affiliation with any government or any other agency regarding the issue of permits. We charge only a fee for the immigration consultation and the concierge services we provide. We run a private publishing website that provides general immigration/permit information. We are not a law firm and do not offer legal advice or recommendations to our users. The information provided on this website should only be used to complement the expert advice and not as a substitute for it.We do not offer our users legal advice, opinions, or suggestions regarding their legal rights/ remedies/defenses/alternatives/tactics. If you purchased any item from this site subject to the Terms and Conditions, you are bound by the Terms and Conditions of Use of this Site and any Purchase.


Our background checks have verified that India Online Visa is genuine and trustworthy.

Typographical Error

All Indian Online Visa services are Expensive. We can reject or cancel your order if the price is wrong. The order was accepted in all cases, and a debit/credit card was used. You will get a full refund for the wrong transaction if your card is allowed.

Responsibility Exemption

To assist you in applying for the Indian eVisa, we process all the necessary information. However, we cannot guarantee that the eVisa application will be granted if the client submits incorrect information or makes a mistake. Therefore, we cannot be held liable for the outcome of the application.